Patrick E. Boyle
Patrick is an Investment Management professional with over 20 years’ experience in quantitative finance.
Patrick is a Founding Partner at Palomar Capital Management, a quantitative hedge fund, which he sold in 2018, and remained a Director of until 2020. Patrick began his finance career in 1997 and has worked with Victor Niederhoffer, a former partner of George Soros' and has been a Portfolio Manager at RBS, Millennium and Nomura.
Patrick is a visiting professor of finance at King's College London and Queen Mary University of London. He has written three finance textbooks.
Patrick is a Founding Partner at Palomar Capital Management, a quantitative hedge fund, which he sold in 2018, and remained a Director of until 2020. Patrick began his finance career in 1997 and has worked with Victor Niederhoffer, a former partner of George Soros' and has been a Portfolio Manager at RBS, Millennium and Nomura.
Patrick is a visiting professor of finance at King's College London and Queen Mary University of London. He has written three finance textbooks.
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Derivatives For The Trading Floor
Derivatives For The Trading Floor is an introduction to the world of futures, options, and swaps. Investors who are interested in deepening their knowledge of derivatives of all kinds will find this book to be an invaluable resource. The book is also useful in a very applied course on derivative trading. The authors delve into the history of options pricing; simple strategies of options trading; binomial tree valuation; Black-Scholes option valuation; option sensitivities; risk management and interest rate swaps in this immensely informative yet easy to comprehend work.
Corporate Finance
Corporate Finance: Investment and Advisory Applications is a must-read book for those starting a career in Investment Banking and Asset Management. Written for professionals by finance professionals. This book gives a thorough grounding in Corporate Finance principles as they apply to current valuation methods, including comparable companies, precedent transactions, DCF, and LBO analysis, as well as M&A accretion/dilution analysis.
Statistics For The Trading Floor
Statistics For The Trading Floor: Data Science For Investing is the best book on statistics for investing. Written for professionals by finance professionals. This book gives a thorough grounding in quantitative methods used by investment professionals.
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Patrick Boyle
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