The Patrick Boyle On Finance audience tends to be financial industry professionals, located mostly in the United States and Europe, working at large Investment Banks and Asset Managers.
Patrick Boyle On Finance is distributed on YouTube in video format, and in audio format on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher and Pocket Casts. The show gets average downloads of 400,000 per month, with total views and listens as of March 2021 of over 2.8 million.
Podcast Sponsorship – per episode
Standard show sponsorships are either pre-roll, or, for better reach, mid-roll, of the podcast or video, and approximately 1-2 minutes, scripted by sponsor and read by Patrick Boyle. We ask for a flat fee and 2 show minimum.
To sponsor Podcasts or Videos please reach out via the Contact section below.